Thursday, June 3, 2010


"a friend is someone who knows everything about us, yet loves us anyways"

i have had a lot of friends through the years. some set up tent in my heart and others just were passing through. some made a huge impact others just left a foot print. i consider myself a freidnly person. it normally doesnt take me long to make friends. im naturallt friendly and outgoing. even after everything i have been through, i still dont like not trusting people. that may be where par of my problem lies. in my great amount of trust in people in general. i have been hurt alot. but i dont like not trusting people if i dont have a reason not to trust them.

i have a few friends that have pretty much laid laim to part of my heart and will always be there. they are the ones that i trust the most, the ones i can tell anything to and the ones that i love unconditionally. as i write this i have about 4 or 5 people come to mind.

i try not to judge. i am the kind of person who kinda fits into every 'clique' becasue i dont hang out with just one group of people. i dont like doind that. i have alot of friends.

this has just kind of been a random post for today. i had friends on my mind and decided that would be the topic for today.

so to all my awesome friends i love you soo much!!!!!


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